An important requirement for all local Leagues is to hold an annual membership meeting. These meetings reaffirm the League’s grassroots foundation and ensure that members guide the League’s future.
On Saturday, April 9, 2022, LWVAAC members will come together in person to conduct the important business of approving our 2022-2023 budget, updating our bylaws, electing our officers and directors, adopting our public policy positions, and providing guidance to the Board about activities, events, advocacy or initiatives that members want our League to undertake. LWVAAC relies on members’ active participation in this yearly event.
Members are encouraged to review the proposed budget, bylaws, program recommendation and slate of nominees, posted here, prior to the business meeting on April 9. Please contact [email protected] with questions or concerns. Upon request to [email protected], a print copy of the preliminary reports will be mailed to you.
Following the business meeting, we'll reward your hard work on our League's behalf with a DoubleTree-catered buffet brunch and the long-overdue chance to socialize in person. You'll also have the opportunity to hear from Andrea Mansfield, current Anne Arundel County Charter Revision Commission Chair and team member at Manis Canning & Associates, a premier lobbying firm in Annapolis.
The fee for the Annual Membership Meeting and Brunch is $36.50/person in advance; $40/person at the door. RSVP by March 31.
The LWVAAC Board looks forward to seeing you on Saturday, April 9.
Click here for proposed items (bylaws, budget, program and nominations).
Click here for print-and-return registration form.
About our speaker:
Andrea E. Mansfield has more than 20 years of government relations, management, and administration expertise, having led and coordinated policy efforts for the Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) and implemented the legislative agendas of state agencies. In state government, she worked within three Administrations in positions of increasing responsibility, serving as legislative liaison to the Legislature for the Department of Budget and Management, and the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR); and Special Assistant, Director of Financial Aid, and Assistant Secretary of Finance Policy with the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
Andrea serves on the Board of Leadership Maryland and was a member of the class of 2019, serves on the board of the Maryland Economic Development Association and co-chairs the Public Policy Awareness Committee, Chairs the Anne Arundel Charter Revision Commission, and is the Chair of the Odenton Town Center Advisory Committee. She has a Master of Policy Sciences from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and a Bachelor of Arts in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland, College Park.
About the Anne Arundel County Charter Revision Commission:
Every ten years, following the release of a U.S. Census report, the County Council must appoint a Charter Revision Commission. The 2021 Charter Revision Commission was appointed by the County Council on October 4, 2021, following the release of the 2020 U.S. Census. The seven Commission members are Andrea Mansfield, Chair, Steven Waddy, Thomas Fleckenstein, Torrey Snow, Larry Telford, David Kauffman and Ashley Hangliter. The Commission is charged with reviewing Census data and other criteria to come up with recommendations for the County Council regarding redistricting in the County. In addition, the Commission makes recommendations to the County Council for amendments to the County Charter based on their investigation of County government and public input.
What's for Brunch? |
Sliced fruit, bagels and cream cheese, scrambled eggs, bacon, grilled salmon with fruit salsa, potatoes O’Brien, and Doubletree cookies. Bon appetit! |
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