Support for a charter that is clear, concise and confined to fundamentals. ⓘ
Anne Arundel Charter
We, the People of Anne Arundel County, State of Maryland, in order to form a more orderly County government, establish separate legislative and executive branches, insure responsibility of and accountability for public funds, promote the general welfare and secure the benefits of home rule, do, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of the State of Maryland, adopt, ordain and establish as our Charter and form of government this CHARTER OF ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND.
Charter Revision Commission
The Charter Revision Commission, created by Sec. 1203 in the County Charter, is responsible for conducting a comprehensive study of the County government and recommending revisions to the Charter as necessary, including the matter of the revision of the Councilmanic districts of the County.
Commission-Following release of U.S. Census data, the County Council appointed a Charter Revision Commission which has been working since October and should release a report at the end of March.