
ⓘ Support development and improvement of public transportation in Anne Arundel County, and encourage the county government to have thorough, professional studies made of the transportation needs of various sectors of the population, to develop proposals for meeting the needs, and to find ways to implement appropriate proposals. The LWVAA should evaluate proposals using relevant criteria regarding:

Users’ concerns–needs of various population groups and geographical areas, affordability of fares, travel time reliability and comfort, and safety;

Economics–capital costs (rights of way, construction and equipment), capital funding, operating costs, potential ridership and fare, operating revenues;

Physical matters–availability of rights of way, relation to other systems existing and planned, adaptability to future growth, and fuel type and consumption;

Environmental impact–pollution, and degradation of natural resources.

Information & Resources:

Learn more about transportation in AAC

Anne Arundel Department of Transportation

Vision Zero

A strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.

Stresses “four Es”: Engineering, Enforcement, Education, and Emergency Medical Services.

Walk and Roll Anne Arundel

A vision for walking, bicycling, and rolling (using a wheelchair, roller skates, a scooter, or any other active transportation device) in the County.

Anne Arundel Open Data: Transportation Data 

Includes data maps for Rail Lines, Rail Stations, and Transportation Stops

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