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Local Program Planning for 2025-26
The annual program planning process seeks to answer two questions.
- Do LWVAAC's activities advance the League mission of empowering voters and defending democracy in Anne Arundel County?
- Do they address local issues of concern to our members?
Last year's Symposium series shed light on current policies and programs in Anne Arundel County as well as opportunities for League action. On Tuesday, March 11, 2025, LWVAAC members will evaluate League positions and prioritize options for mission-related work in the 2025-26 program year.
The first step is to identify the local issues that concern you most. Next, consider what actions, if any, LWVAAC could take to address those issues based on our current policy positions. Are they sufficient and compliant with DEI principles? Where would you like LWVAAC to focus resources and attention in the coming year?
You may submit your input via a questionnaire and by attending our virtual program planning session, led by Action Chair Abby Root. If you have any questions, please email Abby at [email protected].
We look forward to seeing and hearing from you. RSVP below to receive the Zoom link.
LWVAAC public policy positions
LWVAAC program planning questionnaire
WHENMarch 11, 2025 at 4:30pmWHEREZoom
Featured post
ERA Coalition
3 reactions ShareThe League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) has a long history of working at the forefront of the equal rights movement since suffragists Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman drafted the first Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in 1923. Over 100 years later, LWVUS and numerous local Leagues, including LWVAAC, have joined with more than 300 other organizations in the ERA Coalition to secure equal rights under the law once and for all.
What's New
LWVAAC Reusable Tote Bags
Just in time for the 2024 elections and Anne Arundel County plastic bag restrictions.
Port Authority® Ideal Twill Over-the-Shoulder Tote
- Durable 10-ounce, 100% cotton twill
- Cotton web handles with reinforced stitching
- Printed on two sides with LWVAAC and VOTE411 logos
- Dimensions:15"h x 13.5"w x 7.25"d; Approx. 1,800 cubic inches
LWV branding by Kwikgrafx Screenprinting, an Anne Arundel County minority-owned business.
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