Community Connections

LWVAAC is proud to partner with community organizations that support the League's nonpartisan, educational mission.

Annapolis Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. logoLWVAAC and the Annapolis Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (AACDST) have recently established a formal partnership with the mutual goal of increasing civic awareness and fostering community involvement. Prior to the 2024 General Election, AACDST members collaborated on candidate forums and other voter service activities, and shared resources to help LWVAAC build its online presence. Going forward, our joint efforts will continue to work toward elevating civic education, engagement, and empowerment within our community.

In pursuing public policy goals based on League positions, LWVAAC gains information and compounds its impact by participating in coalitions. To address our public policy position on Planning and Zoning, LWVAAC is a member of the Growth Action Network with LWVAAC Director Hannah Collins as liaison. Based on our position on Affordable Housing, the League is a member of the Anne Arundel Affordable Housing Coalition with LWVAAC Director Abby Root as liaison.

GAN mission

Anne Arundel Affordable Housing Coalition logo

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