The Anne Arundel County Voters' Guide for the 2020 General Election is now available. Click on the image at the left to download a PDF or email [email protected] to request a print copy. LWVAAC will have copies available for distribution after October 6, 2020. For the fall 2020 general election, voters seeking to vote by mail MUST REQUEST a mail-in ballot (previously called "absentee ballot").
There will be in-person voting during early voting (Oct 26-Nov 2) and on election day (Nov 3) at designated voting sites. Go to or State Board of Elections website for voting site locations. Prevailing health and safety measures, including face covering and social distancing requirements, will be observed at all voting sites. |
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Election Guidance for Anne Arundel County
Anne Arundel County has posted a special web page,, in both English and Spanish that provides critical voting information for the 2020 election. It contains the full list of voting sites for early voting and on November 3, as well as links to voter registration, mail-in voting instructions, and other important information. If you find this page useful, please help to Get Out The Vote (GOTV) by sharing it with everyone in your network—family, friends, neighbors, and more.
Click here for a downloadable GOTV fact sheet for Anne Arundel County.
Click here for the Anne Arundel County Voter Bill of Rights.
Presidential General Election
Early Voting: Monday, October 26 through Monday, November 2, 2020 from 7am-8pm
Election Day: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 from 7am-8pm
Deadlines for Voter Registration:
By Mail: Wednesday, October 13, 2020
Online: Wednesday, October 13, 2020
In-Person: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 (NOTE: Although it's possible to register to vote during early voting and on election day, registering in advance is strongly recommended to avoid lines at vote centers.)
How to Request Your Mail-In Ballot
To vote by mail, you must request a mail-in ballot (previously called an "absentee ballot") for the 2020 general election.
- This is different from the June 2020 primary election, when the Board of Elections automatically sent mail-in ballots to eligible registered voters.
Options for requesting your mail-in ballot:
Request your ballot online now.
- This will require a Maryland driver’s license or state ID.
Download and print a ballot request form. English | Español
- Fill it out and mail it now. You will need your own envelope and stamp.
If you are an active registered voter, the Board of Elections will send you a ballot request form via U.S. Mail.
- To expedite receipt of your ballot, complete and return the request form as soon as it arrives.
- This request form will come with a postage-paid envelope.
Ballot delivery by U.S. Mail is preferable unless it is not practical or possible for you to use that option.
How to Complete & Return Your Mail-In Ballot
- Ballots will be mailed with instructions for marking and returning them to the Board of Elections.
- Follow the instructions carefully. You must sign an oath that accompanies the ballot. Failure to complete the return envelope correctly may result in your ballot not being counted.
Mailed ballots must be postmarked no later than November 3rd in order to be counted. Voters are encouraged to return ballots early when possible.
- The Board of Elections website includes a form where you can check to see if your ballot was received.
- Instead of returning your ballot by U.S. Mail, you may put it in one of the secure drop boxes provided by the Board of Elections. Your ballot must be returned to a drop box by 8:00 p.m. on November 3rd to be counted.
Protect your ballot. Be wary of anyone who offers to collect ballots. Be sure that your ballot is sealed in its envelope and put it directly in the U.S. Mail or a Board of Elections drop box.
In-Person Voting at Vote Centers
Early Voting: Monday, October 26 through Monday, November 2, 2020 from 7am-8pm
- Avoid the rush – vote early!
- You may cast your official ballot at any voting site in the county.
- New voter registration will be available at all voting sites.
Election Day Voting: November 3, 2020 from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm
- All voting will take place at designated voting sites, not precinct polling places as is the past.
- You may cast your official ballot at any voting site in the county.
- New voter registration will be available at all voting sites.
Because of the risk of transmitting the COVID-19 virus, voters are strongly encouraged to vote by mail if at all possible and to use in-person voting only if it is not possible to vote by mail.
Visit the State Board of Elections 2020 General Election Page for FAQs and Rumor Control.