LWVAAC will submit testimony expressing the League's opposition to Resolution 30-18 at the Anne Arundel County Council hearing Tuesday, September 4, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. at 44 Calvert Street in Annapolis. Our state and national Leagues have worked fiercely to "protect the constitutional right of privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices" since that position was adopted in 1983. Resolution 30-18, currently under consideration by Anne Arundel County Council, threatens this right by "recognizing and declaring the humanity of preborn children" and instructing the Health Officer to submit an annual report "regarding intentional terminations of pregnancies in the County."
It's vital that Council members hear from constituents TOO before the September 4 hearing. Please let your elected representative know how you feel about Resolution 30-18 by calling, writing or emailing today!
Click here to Find Out Who Your Council Member Is
The hearing for this resolution will be on Tuesday, September 4, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. at 44 Calvert Street in Annapolis.
All citizens are permitted 2 minutes to speak before the County Council at this public hearing.
A vote on the resolution is anticipated to take place that same evening.
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