Harvard Case Study: Madison's Federal Negative

James Madison, framer of the Constitution

If you were drafting the Constitution, how much power would you give the federal government over the states?

Madison’s Federal Negative and the Making of the Constitution

Take part in a lively community discussion led by AACPS faculty

Demonstrating the Harvard Case Study Method, Anne Arundel County Public School teachers Christina Sipe (Broadneck High School) and Seth Wolak (South River High School) will engage participants in a pivotal debate at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

The Harvard Case Method requires individuals to walk in the shoes of decision-makers by considering all facts within the contexts of time. We invite you to come prepared to discuss the provided case materials, think critically, and learn more about our American Democracy.

After registering, you will receive a zoom link for the meeting and access to the case study materials. For more information, email [email protected].

Free and open to the public. Click here to download a flyer. PLEASE SHARE!

June 22, 2023 at 6:30pm - 8pm
Joyce Martin · · 443-672-8270

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