Niecy Chambers published Voting in the 2024 General Election in Voter Toolkit 2024-08-05 14:49:55 -0400
Voting in the 2024 MD General Election
Voting by Mail in 2024
Citizens seeking to vote by mail MUST REQUEST a mail-in ballot.
- To apply for a mail-in ballot, go online to voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/onlinemailinrequest, text VBM to 77788, or apply in person at the Anne Arundel County Board of Elections, 6740 Baymeadow Drive, Glen Burnie, MD. Call 410-222-6600 for assistance.
- The Board of Elections must receive the application for a mail-in ballot by October 29 to vote by mail in the 2024 General Election. See below for complete instructions.
- Track the status of your ballot here: voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/VoterSearch
- Mail-in ballots must be postmarked or placed in a designated ballot drop box by 8 pm on November 5.
2024 Presidential General Election Dates
Register to vote, update registration or change party affiliation online, by mail or in person: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Early Voting: Thursday, October 24 through Thursday, October 31, 2024 from 7am-8pm
Election Day: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 from 7am-8pm
Register to vote or update registration at designated polling place: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Registering to Vote
To register to vote, you must be: You cannot have been: A U.S. citizen;
Convicted of buying or selling votes;
A Maryland resident; and
Under guardianship for mental disability and found by a court to be unable to communicate a desire to vote; or
At least 16 years old.*
Convicted of a felony and currently serving a court-ordered sentence of imprisonment.
*You may register to vote if you are at least 16 years old but cannot vote in the 2024 General election unless you will be at least 18 years old on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
How to register: You may register to vote, update your registration and/or change your party affiliation online, or in person at any of the following:
- Your local board of elections;
- The State Board of Elections;
- Your local Department of Health office;
- The Maryland Department of Human Services local offices;
- The Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) offices;
- Your local Area Agency on Aging office;
- The MTA Paratransit Certification Office;
- All public institutions of higher education;
- Recruitment offices of the U.S. Armed Forces;
- Marriage license offices; and
- Offices for students with disabilities at all Maryland colleges and universities.
Registration deadlines: Registration officially closes 21 days before an election. For the 2024 General Election, this deadline is Tuesday, October 15.
Same day registration: Maryland law allows residents to register to vote and/or update their address in person at early voting sites and at their voting precinct on election day. Party affiliation may not be changed. Bring a document that proves where you live, such as your MVA-issued license, ID card, or change of address card, or your paycheck, bank statement, utility bill, or other government document with your name and new address.
How to Request Your Mail-In Ballot
In January 2024, the state Board of Elections sent a Mail-in Ballot Request Form to all eligible registered voters in Maryland. This form may be used to request mail-in ballots for the 2024 Primary and General Elections as well as to register to receive mail-in ballots for all future federal and state elections.
If you didn't receive the form and wish to vote by mail in the 2024 General election, first check to make sure your voter registration information is correct here: voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/VoterSearch.
Then request a mail-in ballot (previously called an "absentee ballot") using one of these options:
Request your ballot online now.
- This will require a Maryland driver’s license or state ID.
Download and print a ballot request form. English | Español
- Fill it out and mail it now. You will need your own envelope and stamp.
If you are an active registered voter, the Board of Elections will send you a ballot request form via U.S. Mail.
- To expedite receipt of your ballot, complete and return the request form as soon as it arrives.
- This request form will come with a postage-paid envelope.
The Board of Elections recommends that you receive your ballot by U.S. mail unless it is not practical or possible for you to use that option.
How to Complete & Return Your Mail-In Ballot
- Ballots will be mailed with instructions for marking and returning them to the Board of Elections.
- Follow the instructions carefully. You must sign an oath that accompanies the ballot. Failure to complete the return envelope correctly may result in your ballot not being counted.
Mailed ballots must be postmarked no later than November 5 in order to be counted. Voters are encouraged to return ballots early when possible.
- The Board of Elections website includes a form where you can check to see if your ballot was received.
- Instead of returning your ballot by U.S. Mail, you may put it in one of the secure drop boxes provided by the Board of Elections. Your ballot must be returned to a drop box by 8:00 pm on November 5 to be counted.
Protect your ballot. Be wary of anyone who offers to collect ballots. Be sure that your ballot is sealed in its envelope and put it directly in the U.S. Mail or a Board of Elections drop box.
In-Person Voting at Vote Centers
Early Voting: Thursday, October 24 through Thursday, October 31 from 7 am-8 pm
- Avoid the rush – vote early!
- You may cast your official ballot at any Anne Arundel early voting site.
- New voter registration will be available at all voting sites.
- All early voting centers in Maryland are accessible to voters with disabilities.
Primary Election Day Voting: Tuesday, November 5 from 7 am to 8 pm
- On election day, you must vote at your assigned polling place.
- The sample ballot you receive from the Board of Elections will list your assigned polling place.
- The complete 2024 polling place list by precinct may be found here.
- All election day polling places are open continuously from 7 am until 8 pm on November 5. Anyone in line at 8 pm will be allowed to vote.
- New voter registration will be available at all voting sites.
Visit the County Board of Elections website for answers and assistance.
Visit VOTE411 for Information on the Candidates, Issues and Ballot Questions
Candidate Forums
The League of Women Voters (LWV) sponsors candidate forums as part of its mission to encourage informed and active participation in government. Forums give the public the opportunity to hear from candidates, learn their qualifications and get a first-hand understanding of their stance on key issues.
Forum Procedures
LWV-sponsored forums adhere to pre-established procedures to ensure: (1) all candidates are treated fairly, and (2) forum topics are of public interest and pertinent to the candidates' platforms.
The Federal Election Commissions (FEC) provides rules governing public debates that apply to League-sponsored forums. FEC regulations define a debate as an event that:
• includes at least two candidates for the same office; and
• is staged in a way that does not promote or advance one candidate over another.A candidate will not be allowed to take part in an LWV-sponsored forum unless at least one other candidate for the same race participates. LWV-sponsored forums feature a moderator and timers, who work together to ensure candidates have an equal opportunity to speak and the ability to respond to statements made by an opponent. Questions for the candidates are submitted in writing and reviewed by an impartial team, to prioritize topics, minimize duplication and exclude personal issues or attacks.
Eligibility Criteria for Candidates
It is the policy of the League of Women Voters of Anne Arundel County (LWVAAC) that candidate debates and forums should be inclusive of all candidates who have qualified to be on the ballot, including all candidates of state-recognized political parties, independent candidates and write-in candidates. To be invited to participate in an LWVAAC-sponsored forum, a candidate must meet the following criteria:
- be legally qualified, if elected, to hold the office under federal and state law; AND
- have filed and met all requirements to be on the ballot according to Maryland’s election laws ten (10) weeks prior to any election.
LWVAAC will co-sponsor two candidate forums prior to the 2024 General Election.
Date Time Race Candidates Moderator Location Co-sponsors Tue, Sep 24, 2024 7-8:30 pm Maryland 3rd Congressional District Sarah Elfreth (D) Robert Steinberger (R) Miguel Barajas (L) Shelley Brown, Executive Director of MyLaw.org Horowitz Center Smith Theater, Howard Community College, Columbia, MD LWV of Anne Arundel County & LWV of Howard County Thu, Oct 10, 2024 6:30-8:30 pm AA County Board of Education, Districts 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 TBA Tanya Milner Harlee, Provost, Anne Arundel Community College Village Commons Community Ctr, Waugh Chapel, Gambrills, MD LWV of Anne Arundel County & Association of American University Women-Anne Arundel Branch Please check back for additional details and to RSVP.
Posted August 2, 2024
See all events
LWVAAC Bylaws Adopted 5/15/2024
Section 1. Name. The name of this organization is the League of Women Voters of Anne Arundel County, Inc., herein referred to as the League. The League is an integral part of the League of Women Voters of the United States, herein referred to as the LWVUS, and of the League of Women Voters of Maryland, herein referred to as the LWVMD.
ARTICLE II Purposes and Policy
Section 1. Purposes. The purposes of the League are to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation in government and to act on selected governmental issues.
Section 2. Policies. The policies of the League are:
(a) Political Policy. The League shall not support or oppose any political party or candidate.
(b) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy. The League is fully committed to ensure compliance - in principle and in practice - with LWVUS’ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.
ARTICLE III Membership
Section 1. Eligibility. Any individual who subscribes to the purposes and policy of the League shall be eligible for membership.
Section 2. Types of Membership. The membership of the League shall be composed of voting members and associate members.
(a) Voting Members.
(1) Persons at least 16 years of age who join the League shall be voting members of the League, the LWVMD and the LWVUS and any regional League to which this League belongs.
(2) Those who live inside the area of the League may join the League or any other League. Those who reside outside the area of the League may join the League, another local League or shall be LWVMD members-at-large.
(3) Life Members. Those who have been members of the League for 50 years or more shall be life members excused from payment of dues.
(4) Student Members. Those who are enrolled full- or part-time in an accredited institution shall be student members.
(b) Associate Members. All others who join the League will be associate members.
ARTICLE IV Board of Directors
Section 1. Selection, Qualifications, and Terms. The Board of Directors (herein referred to as the Board) shall consist of the officers of the League, six (6) elected directors and not more than six (6) appointed directors.
(a) All directors shall be voting members of the League. Three (3) directors shall be elected by the general membership at each annual meeting. Elected directors shall take office on July 1 and serve for two (2) years or until their successors have been appointed.
(b) At the first Board meeting following July 1, the start of the new fiscal year, the elected Board members shall appoint additional directors not exceeding six (6) as they consider necessary to carry on the work of the League. The terms of office of the appointed directors shall expire on June 30.
(c) Vacancies other than the presidency may be filled by vote of the remaining members of the Board. The person filling the vacancy shall serve until the end of the unexpired term.
(d) The Board may designate long-standing Board members as Board members emeritus, who shall not vote but may provide counsel to the Board.
(e) The Board, by a majority vote, may terminate a Board member for, but not limited to, the following reasons:
(1) Failure to appear at three (3) consecutive Board meetings without advance notification to the President.
(2) Failure to comply with League policies and guidelines concerning conflict of interest as set forth in LWVMD guide for local Leagues.
Section 2. Powers and Duties. The Board shall manage and supervise the business, affairs and activities of the League subject to the instructions of the general membership at the annual meeting. It shall select delegates to the state convention and council and to the national convention. It shall accept responsibility for other matters as the national or state board may delegate to it. It shall have the power to create special committees as it considers necessary and shall perform other duties as specified in these bylaws.
Section 3. Meetings. There shall be at least seven (7) regular meetings of the Board annually. The President may call a special meeting of the Board and shall call a special meeting upon the request of five (5) members of the Board.
Section 4. Quorum. A majority of the members of the Board must be present at a Board meeting to conduct official League business.
ARTICLE V Officers
Section 1. Officers. The officers of the League shall include:
(a) One of the following combinations:
(1) A President and a Vice-President, or
(2) Two Co-Presidents, or
(3) A Governing Executive Board; and
(b) A Secretary; and
(c) A Treasurer.
Section 2. Terms and Elections.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection:
(1) The officers shall be elected for terms of two (2) years by the general membership at the annual meeting;
(2) The President, Co-Presidents or Governing Executive Board, and the Secretary shall be elected in odd-numbered years;
(3) The Vice-President and the Treasurer shall be elected in even-numbered years;
(4) Officers shall take office on July 1, but may begin transitions immediately following election at the annual meeting and serve in parallel with incumbent officers;
(5) The newly elected Treasurer and the outgoing Treasurer shall serve together until the League’s accounts and records have been duly transferred, but no later than June 30.
(b) When a President is elected to succeed Co-Presidents, the Vice-President shall be elected in the same year as the President and shall serve an initial term of one (1) year.
(c) An individual serving as President or Co-President shall not hold the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms.
Section 3. Authorities and Responsibilities.
(a) The President. The President shall have the customary powers of supervision and management of the office; shall preside at all meetings of the League and the Board or designate another member to preside; shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. In the absence of the Treasurer, the President may sign or endorse checks, drafts, or notes; and shall perform other duties as the Board may direct. In the event of the absence, disability, resignation or death of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the office of President. If the Vice-President is not able to serve as President, the Board shall fill the vacancy from among the elected directors.
(b) Co-Presidents. Co-Presidents shall have all the powers enumerated in Section 3(a). They shall determine how those powers shall be divided between them. In the event of the absence, disability, resignation or death of a Co-President, the other Co-President shall assume the office of President. If the other Co-President is not able to serve as President, the Board shall fill the Co-Presidency vacancy from among the elected directors.
(c) Governing Executive Board. A Governing Executive Board shall consist of the Board members, both elected and appointed, acting as a governing body without an executive. The Board members shall assume the powers of the President and divide the powers among themselves.
(d) The Vice-President. The Vice-President shall perform duties the President and the Board direct.
(e) The Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings of the membership and of the Board. The Secretary shall notify all officers and directors of their election and shall sign with the President all contracts and other instruments when authorized by the Board and shall perform other duties the President and the Board direct.
(f) The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall perform the customary duties of the office and arrange for an annual review or audit of the books and records.
ARTICLE VI Executive Committee
The purpose of the Executive Committee is to advise and support the President (or Co-Presidents). It shall be comprised of the elected officers and chaired by the President or Vice-President when officially serving in the absence of the President. Meetings shall be convened by the chair or at the request of a majority of Executive Committee members. When convened, it shall consider and may authorize any League activities and expenditures not reserved in the bylaws for member or Board approval. Decisions shall be by consensus with the chair having final say. The chair may invite the participation of additional Board members or portfolio chairs to address a specific focus area or project. The Executive Committee may convene in person, virtually or via group email.
ARTICLE VII Financial Administration
Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the League is from July 1 to June 30.
Section 2. Dues. Members shall pay dues in accordance with LWVUS policy. Membership lasts for one year after joining or renewal. Members who fail to renew within the period specified by LWVUS will be removed from the roster.
Section 3. Budget Committee. The Board shall appoint the Committee. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Committee but shall not serve as chair. The proposed budget shall be prepared not later than two (2) months before the annual meeting and provided to all members not later than one (1) month before the annual meeting.
Section 4. Distribution of Funds on Dissolution. In the event of the dissolution of the League, all money and securities of the League shall be paid to the LWVMD after the state and national per-member payments and other obligations have been met. All other property of the League shall be conveyed to a person, organization or corporation for public, charitable, or educational uses and purposes as the Board in it absolute discretion may designate.
Section 1. Membership Meetings. There shall be at least 3 meetings of the membership each year. The Board shall determine the dates, times and places of the meetings.
Section 2. Annual Membership Meeting. An annual meeting of the members shall be held between April 1 and June 30, on a date to be determined by the Board. At the annual meeting, a majority of members who are present and voting, shall:
- Adopt a local program for the next year.
- Elect officers, directors, and a member to the nominating committee.
- Approve a budget for the next fiscal year's expenses and income.
- Transact other business that properly comes before them.
Section 3. Quorum. Ten percent (10%) of the voting members must be present at a general membership meeting to conduct official League business.
ARTICLE IX Committees and Elections
Section 1. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) members: The Chair, preferably a current or former Board member, shall be appointed by the Board for the following program year in advance of the annual meeting; one (1) member, who shall not be a Board member but shall be elected at the annual meeting; and one (1) member, who shall be a Board member, will be appointed by the Board immediately after the annual meeting. A committee vacancy shall be filled by a Board appointment.
(a) Report of the Nominating Committee. The report of the Nominating Committee shall be sent to all members one (1) month before the date of the annual meeting.
(b) Other Nominations. A nomination may be made from the floor at the annual meeting by a voting member, if the proposed nominee consents.
(c) Elections. The election shall be by ballot. If there is only one nominee for each office, the Secretary may be instructed to cast the ballot for every nominee. A majority of members qualified to vote, present and voting, shall constitute an election. Absentee and proxy voting are not permitted.
Section 2. Budget Committee. See Article VII, Financial Administration.
Section 3. Bylaws Review Committee. The Committee shall consist of three (3) members. The Board shall appoint two (2) Board members, who shall select a non-Board member, to review bylaws annually. Any changes to the bylaws shall be reported to the Board for approval before presenting them to be voted on by members at the next annual meeting.
ARTICLE X Principles and Program
Section 1. Principles. The principles of the League are concepts of government adopted by the national convention and supported by the League as a whole. They are the authorization for the adoption of the national, state and local program.
Section 2. Program. The program of the League shall consist of action to implement the principles and those local governmental issues chosen at the annual meeting for study and action as follows:
(a) Voting members may make recommendations to the Board not later than two (2) months before the annual meeting.
(b) The Board shall consider these recommendations and formulate a proposed program that shall be sent to the members not later than 1 month before the annual meeting.
(c) The members may adopt a program by a majority vote. Program recommendations properly submitted to the Board, but not proposed by the Board, shall by majority vote be considered at the annual meeting and by majority vote may be adopted at the annual meeting.
Section 3. Changes in Program. Changes to the program may be made if:
(a) Information concerning the proposed change has been sent to all members at least two (2) weeks before the annual meeting at which the change is discussed; and final action by the membership is taken at a succeeding meeting.
Section 4. Program Action.
(a) Members may act in the name of the League only if authorized by the Board.
(b) Members may act only in conformity with a position of the League, the LWVMD, and the LWVUS.
ARTICLE XI National Convention, State Convention and Council
Section 1. National Convention. The Board of Directors shall select delegates to the convention of the LWVUS up to the number allotted by the bylaws of that organization.
Section 2. State Convention and Council. The Board of Directors shall select delegates to the convention or council of the LWVMD up to the number allotted by the bylaws of that organization.
ARTICLE XII Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the League in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.
The bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the voting members at an annual meeting, if the proposed amendments are submitted to the membership in writing not later than one (1) month before the meeting.
ARTICLE XIV Virtual Meetings
Board and membership meetings may be held, and League business conducted, by virtual means.
Revised May 15, 2024
Click here to download PDF copy of 2024 LWVAAC bylaws.
Keep up with ERA advocacy
LWVUS keeps ERA supporters informed via its League in Action channel. Follow the instructions provided here to stay in the know and help make equal rights the law of the land.
Equal Rights Amendment: 1923-2024
Keep up with ERA advocacy
Posted by Niecy Chambers · May 25, 2024 10:48 AM · 1 reactionERA Coalition
Posted by Niecy Chambers · May 25, 2024 10:34 AM · 3 reactions“100 Years (and Not One More)" March and Rally
See all posts
Posted by Susan Crawford · May 25, 2024 8:46 AM · 1 reaction
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
ERA as passed by Congress in 1972
Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.
History of the ERA
The Equal Rights Amendment was written in 1923 by suffragists Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman, and introduced in Congress that same year. The ERA was reintroduced in every subsequent Congress but made little progress until the 1970s.
In 1970, a new class of women lawmakers pushed to make the ERA a top legislative priority. It was a steep climb as the House Judiciary Chair had refused to hold a hearing on the ERA for over 30 years, but the women succeeded. In March 1972, the amendment passed both chambers of Congress with bipartisan support far exceeding the two-thirds majorities required by the Constitution. Congress promptly sent the proposed amendment to the states for ratification with a 7-year deadline.
The deadline for ratification by three-fourths of states was later extended by Congress to June 30, 1982. When this deadline expired, only 35 of the necessary 38 states had ratified the ERA, so it did not become a part of the U.S. Constitution. The ERA has continued to be reintroduced in every session of Congress since 1982.
In 2017, 2018 and 2020, Nevada, Illinois and Virginia, respectively, each ratified the ERA bringing the total of state ratifications to 38, achieving the required threshold for a constitutional amendment.
ERA Coalition
The League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) has a long history of working at the forefront of the equal rights movement since suffragists Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman drafted the first Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in 1923. Over 100 years later, LWVUS and numerous local Leagues, including LWVAAC, have joined with more than 300 other organizations in the ERA Coalition to secure equal rights under the law once and for all.
April 28, 2024
Eye on Annapolis Bonus Podcast: Talking Elections With the League of Women Voters of Anne Arundel County
Eye on Annapolis Publisher John Frenaye discusses the importance of voting with LWVAAC President Amanda SubbaRao.
News Releases
April 10, 2024 League Voters' Guide makes voting easy
Affordable Housing Legislation
BY: Abby Root, League of Women Voters of Anne Arundel County
DATE: November 6, 2023
Good evening. My name is Abby Root, 1336 Chicory Way, Odenton, representing the League of Women Voters of Anne Arundel County
The League supports Bill 78-23.
This bill will give workers who work in Anne Arundel County, but cannot afford to live here, the opportunity to own or rent housing near their workplace.
The League’s support of Bill 78-23 is based on its affordable housing and planning and zoning positions, to “promote and pursue balanced development that will have minimum impact on the environment and maximum long-term benefit to employment and the tax base including provision of opportunity for affordable housing by increasing housing opportunities for people of low or moderate income.”
Moderately Priced Dwelling Units have worked well in other jurisdictions where low- or moderate-income county workers have access to quality housing at a cost that is affordable.
Essential workers living in the county will have a sense of community. Their commitments will not be split between two counties.
They will shop here and go to local healthcare providers. Their children will attend school here, participate in sports and other after-school activities. It will be easier for the parents who live here to attend these events. Living closer to the workplace is also good for the environment because it saves on gas and wear and tear on cars.
The League urges the Council to vote in favor of bill 78-23. Thank you.
Niecy Chambers published County budget invests in affordable housing in Blog 2023-10-04 18:17:13 -0400
County budget invests in affordable housing
Even before the pandemic, a stable supply of housing, including rentals, was driving an affordability crisis in many jurisdictions, including right here in Anne Arundel County. Safe and affordable housing is not only foundational to individuals’ and families well-being but also to a vibrant economy.
The LWVAAC has long been an advocate for affordable housing based on its studies of the issue and adoption of a policy position that supports action to secure affordable housing for low- and very low-income residents and special populations in the county. In 2021, the median household income of Anne Arundel County households was $108,048.
LWVAAC is a member of the 30-year-old Anne Arundel Affordable Housing Coalition (AAAHC). LWVAAC Director and Action Chair Abby Root is our League’s AAAHC liaison. In June, Abby attended a Coalition reception for member organizations and elected officials, including County Council members Julie Hummer (Dist. 4), Allison Pickard (Dist. 2), and Lisa Brannigan Rodvien (Dist. 6), who spoke of their support for more affordable housing in the county.
Read more
Books for Learning Bibliography
Our Books for Learning program officially launched in 2016 with a selection of readings focused on voting rights. The intent through the years has been to gain a shared understanding of current topics by reading and discussing recent or pivotal books on the subject. Books for Learning selections appear below, along with the dates of our discussions.
March 22, 2024
November 4, 2023
March 22, 2023
October 12, 2022
January 12, 2022
April 7, 2021
February 3, 2021
August 26, 2020
June 20, 2020
February 14, 2019
April 10, 2018
February 13, 2018
January 31, 2017
Additional Readings:
A Dream Undone by Jim Rutenberg, published in the August 2, 2015 New York Times, provides an excellent overview of the book.
Redistricting in Today’s Shifting Racial Landscape and A Vindication of the Voting Rights Act by Abigail Thernstrom of the American Enterprise Institute
The Truth About Voter Fraud by Justin Levitt, published by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law;
An Analysis of Voter Fraud in the US by Lorraine C. Minnite, Senior Fellow at Demos.
March 15, 2016
Affordable Housing Legislation
BILL 6-23: An Ordinance concerning Subdivision and Development – Zoning - Accessory Dwelling Units
BY: Abby Root, League of Women Voters Anne Arundel County
Date: February 21, 2023
Good evening. My name is Abby Root, 1336 Chicory Way, Odenton, representing the League of Women Voters of Anne Arundel County.
The League supports Bill 6-23.
This bill would make it easier for property owners to have Accessory Dwelling Units on their property.
In 1992 the League adopted an Affordable Housing position which supports: “meeting the housing and human services needs of special populations and increasing housing opportunities for people of low or moderate income.” In 2021, we reaffirmed that position with additional research.
ADUs are one way to meet the challenge of the rising costs of housing throughout the county.
- They can be more affordable for low- and moderately low-income residents.
- They can decrease isolation and depression in older adults and disabled persons by allowing them to remain in their community, close to family and friends.
- ADUs also can be a housing solution to empty nesters or young adults just entering the
- They would provide new housing options while maintaining the character of the community.
The League urges the Council to vote in favor of Bill 6-23. Thank you.
Nonpartisan Policy
The League of Women Voters of Anne Arundel County is a nonpartisan organization.
The League takes positions on issues but does not support or oppose political candidates or parties.
Members may participate in the political party of their choice as long as the individual does not represent the League publicly, as President or spokesperson. That would usually mean the Voters Guide chair, Candidate Forum chair and Action chair.
The President of the League should not display publicly his/her party affiliation.
In any voter service activity, or candidate forum, the League members involved may not indicate their party affiliation by what they say or by any insignia.
Serving as a campaign manager or treasurer for a political party or hosting a fundraiser for a candidate should not be done by a member of the Board or any highly visible representative of the League.
The LWVAAC Board shall review and readopt this policy annually.
Diversity Equity & Inclusion Policy
The League of Women Voters is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.
Forum Videos
Click on link to view video or visit YouTube@League of Women Voters AAC
Anne Arundel County Board of Education Candidate Forum
October 10, 2024 at the Village Commons Community Center at Waugh Chapel, Gambrills, MD. Candidates from Districts 6 and 7. Moderated by Dr. Tanya Millner, Provost and VP of Learning at Anne Arundel Community College. Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Anne Arundel County in partnership with AAUW-AAC Branch, Annapolis Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., North Arundel County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., NAACP-Anne Arundel County, National Coalition of 100 Black Women-AAC Chapter, Maryland Alliance of Black School Educators, Greater Crofton Council, Junior League of Annapolis and the Village Commons Community Center.
Maryland 3rd Congressional District Forum
September 24, 2024 at Howard Community College in Columbia, MD. Candidates Sarah Elfreth (DEM), Rob Steinberger (REP) and Miguel Barajas (LIB). Moderated by Shelley Brown, Executive Director of MyLaw. Cosponsored by the Leagues of Women Voters of Carroll, Howard and Anne Arundel Counties in partnership with AAUW-Anne Arundel County, Annapolis Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Columbia Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., North Arundel County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Iota Lambda Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., NAACP of Anne Arundel & Carroll Counties, National Coalition of 100 Black Women-Anne Arundel Chapter and Maryland Alliance of Black School Educators.
County Executive and County Council District 6 Candidate Forum
August 29, 2022 at Heritage Harbour in Annapolis, MD. Co-sponsored by LWVAAC and the Civic Association of Heritage Harbour Homeowners. Moderated by Mary Gunther.
2021 Annapolis Mayoral Candidate Forum October 19, 2021 at Congregation Kneseth Israel in Annapolis, MD. Moderated by Josh Kurtz.
Legislative District 32 Candidate Forum October 17, 2018 at Ark & Dove Presbyterian Church in Odenton, MD. Moderated by Josh Kurtz.
Legislative District 33 Candidate Forum
October 11, 2018 at Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church in Severna Park, MD. Moderated by Terence Smith.
Legislative District 30 Candidate Forum
October 10, 2018 at Congregation Kneseth Israel in Annapolis, MD. Moderated by Christopher Nelson.
2017 Annapolis Mayoral Candidate Forum
September 13, 2017 at Congregation Kneseth Israel in Annapolis. Moderated by Susan Kopen Katcef.
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Posted by Amanda SubbaRao · September 20, 2023 12:38 PM
Niecy Chambers published Candidate Forum Policy in LWVAAC Reference Library 2022-05-05 17:28:05 -0400
Candidate Forum Policy
Eligibility Criteria for Participation in LWVAAC Candidate Forums & Debates:
It is the policy of the League of Women Voters of Anne Arundel County that candidate debates and forums should be inclusive of all candidates who have qualified to be on the ballot, including all candidates of state recognized political parties, independent candidates and writein candidates. To be invited to participate, a candidate must meet the following criteria:
- be legally qualified, if elected, to hold the office under federal and state law; AND
have filed and met all requirements to be on the ballot according to Maryland’s election laws ten (10) weeks prior to any election.
Adopted 2018