County Council Reception

2023-27 AA County Council (photo courtesy of AA County)On Tuesday, February 21, the League of Women Voters of Anne Arundel County invites you to a Meet & Greet with the recently-elected Anne Arundel County Council. This is your opportunity to talk informally with Councilmembers, hear their priorities for the 2023-2027 term and learn their views on League public policy positions.

The LWVAAC Board chose February 21 for our event because County Council has a regularly scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. that evening, just around the corner from the restaurant. We encourage you to attend the Council session along with members of the LWVAAC Observer Corps. You'll witness the League and Council in action, as LWVAAC Director Abby Root testifies on the proposed affordable housing legislation, Bill 6-23.

The Meet and Greet will feature a cash bar. LWVAAC will provide complimentary appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages.

Space is limited. Open to League members and their guests. Please reserve your spot by February 18. 

February 21, 2023 at 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Picante Restaurant
48 West St
Annapolis, MD 21401
United States
Google map and directions
Alexis Dorsey · · 443-223-1848
Anne Myers Margaret Anzalone Danielle Dyer Abby Root Judith Thompson Joyce Martin Delia Scott Marg Duffy Amanda SubbaRao Niecy Chambers Kathy Larrabee

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